

MDUUC has a rich tradition of coming together in community to commemorate and celebrate important happenings and passages in the lives of our members.

Baptisms and Dedications

Rather than holding Christian­style baptisms or christenings, most Unitarian Universalist congregations have dedication ceremonies for infants and children.

Dedication ceremonies are usually crafted by the parents, the congregation's minister, and the religious educator working closely together. Many include the following elements:

  • A blessing for the new life of the child
  • An expression of the parent or parents’ hopes for the child
  • A promise by the congregation to support and nurture the child

To inquire or make plans for child’s dedication, please contact the Church Administrator: 925­-934-­3135 or admin@mduuc.org.


What better location than a beautiful hilltop facility, with sweeping view of the valley and hills, to celebrate your love and commitment?


Rev. Leslie performing first Same Sex marriage in Contra Costa County

MDUUC staff works with you to personalize your ceremony. Please contact us as far in advance as possible to arrange a visit and to reserve your date.

Sanctuary: Services are usually held in the sanctuary, which seats up to 300 people, and is suitable for smaller groups as well. With its clear views of the valley, high ceilings, and its sense of openness, the sanctuary is a beautiful space for a marriage ceremony.

Music and Sound: The sanctuary has a Steinway piano, an electronic organ, and a sound system for playing CDs. The church pianist may be available, or music can be arranged by the family.

Equipment and Program: MDUUC has two portable easels for displays and some small tables in the entry area. Couples provide the program, or order of service, if one is desired.

Fellowship Hall: The Bortin Fellowship Hall, with adjacent kitchen, is ideal for the reception. We have several alternative plans for seating 200 at round or square tables. Bortin Hall offers a view patio overlooking the redwood grove, a dance floor, a changing room for wedding participants, and direct access to the main church patio (for outdoor receptions). The kitchen offers complete facilities for catering.

Patio and Garden for Outdoor Ceremonies: The brick patio with arbor is an appropriate area for a small outdoor wedding.

Reception: Many couples want to provide a time for people to gather after the service. All reception arrangements are made through the church administratoradmin@mduuc.org, who can provide information about kitchen use, rooms, equipment, tables & chairs, and catering.

Parking: The church lot is sufficient for most groups, with overflow street parking on Eckley Lane.

Flowers: Arrange for delivery in the hour before the ceremony, when a staff person will be on hand to receive them. Otherwise, make arrangements with the church office to be sure that someone will be there.

To inquire or make plans for a wedding service, please contact the Church Administrator: 925-­934­-3135 or admin@mduuc.org.

Memorial Services and Funerals

Services to honor loved ones who have passed on are very personal occasions. Unitarian Universalist memorials are custom­-made to honor the deceased. Typically, these services are developed by the and the presiding minister to honor the memory of that individual. The service might include the following elements:

  • A eulogy
  • Poems and other readings
  • Prayer or meditation
  • A time to remember the deceased with stories and memories
  • Hymn singing or other music
  • A time for personal reflection

Contact our church office to discuss arrangements for your loved one’s service.  925­-934-­3135 or admin@mduuc.org.