
Lifespan Learning



Religious Education is at the heart of all we do as a faith community.  Since its founding, a strong commitment to religious education ministry for children, youth and adults has been central to Mount Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church’s identity and mission.


In service to this mission, we provide children, youth, young adults, and adults many opportunities to explore, reflect, and learn in a nurturing spiritual community.  Our religious education ministry is developed to be age appropriate and offer a safe and welcoming place to explore our growing and deepening spirituality and to learn to live our faith.


More than just classes, though, we recognize that spiritual growth happens on many different paths.  On a Sunday you might find the preschoolers singing songs about kindness, 5th graders engaging with a Muslim couple to learn about Islam, high-school youth raising money for the homeless shelter and our ‘Elder Journey!’ group exploring end-of-life issues.  Many programs incorporate social justice activities, worship opportunities, service trips, fellowship, and fun.


Children’s religious education programs are typically offered on Sunday mornings, and high school youth and adult programs are usually offered on afternoons or evenings.

Want to learn more?  Please contact our Director of Religious Education, Marena McGregor, to get connected.