Board of Trustees Message – July/August 2024
By the time this issue of the Mt. Diablo UU Beacon is distributed, the 2023-2024 church year will have finally come to an end. Many of you might already be off on your summer adventures, and no doubt they will be much-deserved breaks in routine and opportunities for relaxation.
Since our last message, we conducted our Annual Meeting at which we cast three important votes. First, we formally called the Rev. Rodney Lemery to serve as our Associate Minister. This will grant much needed stability to our various ministries at MDUUC. The details of his formal transition from a contract to a called ministry position are still being worked out, and these will be shared with congregational members after they are finalized. We are looking forward to enjoying the continuance of his many gifts that he has already freely offered to us. On August 1, we will be welcoming our new Ministerial Intern, Rose Reidel.
We also approved a budget for the 2024-2025 church year. Due to a number of circumstances, it was perhaps not as robust as your Board had hoped for, but at least it is one which we are confident will allow our core activities to remain viable. Thank you to all who made this possible with your pledges and other financial contributions! Our Blue Boat is now set to sail on its next voyage into the future.
Finally, we elected some new leaders to serve on key committees. Congratulations to the following individuals: Ed Lampo and Laura Zucker, who will begin their service on the Legacy Committee; Ursula Bartels, Rose Barreto, Jaynese Davis, Gabriel Escobar, and Joe Schellenberg, who were successful candidates for the Nominating Committee; Linda Russell and Sharon Sobotta, who will be joining the Board of Trustees this summer.
Remember that our community is also part of the legacy left by so many dear ones that we have lost in recent times. Let us take a moment to honor the lives of Krista Bogart, Carolyn Campbell, Sonja Christopher, Bob Hanson, Lee Lampo, Marianna Laurence, Bill Phelon, Dee Simmons, Betty Todd, and Gloria Wiley. May their collective spirit be remembered through our own commitments to sustaining this congregation that was the recipient of their devotion.
In concluding this church year, your Board wishes to simply express its gratitude for all of you, and for how each of you contribute to making our community special. We happily anticipate your ongoing engagement at MDUUC!
In faith and service,
Mark David Watanabe
President, MDUUC Board of Trustees