Winter Nights Rotating Shelter Program

Winter Nights At MDUUC 2024

Each year for a decade now, MDUUC has taken part in the Winter Nights Rotating Shelter Program. As one of the participating congregations throughout central and east Contra Costa, MDUUC offers a clean, safe, and warm shelter to homeless families with children for two weeks each winter, serving up to 30 persons at any one tim

Winter Nights provides bedding, tents, and professional supervision for each congregation. Besides the funds the MDUUC congregation contributes to support the program, over a hundred of our members take part each year by making and serving breakfasts and dinners, leading activities for the children, and cleaning, installing, and taking down the equipment. Time, talent, and treasure are the ways we ask our members and friends to contribute to our community.

We are now accepting monetary donations to cover the costs of non-perishable and perishable items alike.

If treasure is a way you can support this program, please use the donate button below:

If you're able to contribute talent and time to this program, please sign-up for a volunteer shift and directly support our guests by contributing to the many activities and meals we will facilitate over the two-week period.

Complete the volunteer form by clicking the volunteer button below:

Here’s what MDUUC members and friends have to say about their participation in Winter Nights:

• “The rewards are enormous — when I know that I have touched another human being in a direct way.” Ellen Doerfer.
• “Volunteering at Winter Nights with my kids is a great way to get them to think about others and appreciate their own privilege. It's a great way to expose my kids to the way that giving and helping can open your heart and bring such joy.” Meranda Broder.
• “I have been helping out with the Winter Nights cooking for … years. I have always felt appreciated, and it’s kind of fun.” Bob Hanson.
• “I helped with breakfast a few times. Very organized and clear instructions. Got to know the guests, who were very appreciative. So grateful for the opportunity to put my UU values in action!” Elsie Mills.


Ready to volunteer? Prepare for your experience by completing our brief online training program below: