We believe that the intersections of economics, food, and housing insecurity have the potential to directly limit our ability to thrive in life. As such, we commit to promoting food for people in need, collaborating with other agencies to work on solutions to provide permanent, safe, and affordable housing to those families and individuals who through economic circumstances are unable to obtain housing in our community in today’s market.
Our society’s economic, housing, and food policies and practices are unjust in many ways, causing severe hardship on our most vulnerable neighbors. Mt. Diablo UU Church has long been involved in addressing these policies and practices. [Social Justice History PDF.] Responding to the pervasive injustices that mark our economic institutions, Unitarian Universalist values call us to work for measures that will further economic justice, including:
- A living wage that honors the dignity of workers and enables them and their families to fully realize their sacred humanity
- Protections for all workers to ensure their safety, their right to organize and bargain collectively, and their job and retirement security
- An equitable tax system without preferences for wealthy individuals and corporations at the expense of the poor and the dwindling middle class
- Affordable health care for all
- Decent, safe, and affordable housing for all
- Equitable and affordable educational opportunity for all persons, without regard to race or socioeconomic status
The Economic, Food, and Housing Team works for these goals by raising awareness and understanding among MDUUC members and others through educational programs and workshops; by mobilizing for public witness to promote economic justice; and by speaking out to change unjust policies, programs, and laws at the local, state, and federal level.
For information about scheduled meetings and activities, please contact Rev. Rodney Lemery at rodney@mduuc.org